A clear and concise cover letter for a job could be the thing that lands you an interview.
Imagine reading 100 job applications. It's unlikely that you'd read every single word in great detail. You'd probably scan the applications first yes?
So you need to make it super easy for the prospective employer to see that you are a good fit for for the job.
How? Ensure you follow these easy steps to write a cover letter that will win you a job interview.

1. The basics
Keep it short. One page is best.
Make it pretty. Use a clean, readable font that matches your resume (your resume header with your name and contact details can be your letterhead).
Address it to the right person. Find out the name and job title of the person you need to address the letter to. Call up and ask if you can't work this out from the job ad or LinkedIn.
2. Strong first paragraph
Summarise who you are in a sentence or two (amend your resume's profile).
Express excitement for the role and organisation and state why you and your skills would be a great match.
3. A bit of history but keep it achievements focused!
No-one wants to read an essay about you!
Limit the detail in the letter to high level information about your current role and what you have achieved, and perhaps some information about one previous role if it's relevant.
4. Sell yourself!
Close your letter with three bullet points that sell your top three skills/selling points.
You could put in something like:
"If selected for this role I would immediately contribute:
Strong administration skills with...
Exceptional interpersonal skills, using a collaborative approach to...
Knowledge and experience in (specialist area)..."
So there you have it! A cover letter that stands out from the crowd and will ensure the employer is desperate to meet you.