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How to nail a job interview without the stress

With so many people changing jobs at the moment, nearly all my clients are getting job interviews - often at very short notice!

Job interviews can be nerve wracking, but they don't need to be!

A lot of it is about your mindset.

A friend of mine went to a job interview yesterday with no understanding of the role and no expectations. She wasn't even sure that she wanted the job.

She went along to the interview to ask questions and to see if the role and organisation were a good fit. Which is such a great mindset to be in.

She asked lots of questions, particularly around the organisational culture and conditions, as these are important to her.

She totally nailed the interview, because it was a genuine conversation.

Trying to get into this 'conversation or meeting' mindset is my biggest tip for reducing interview stress, but you can also try these top tips:

💠Prepare well: Research the company and the position, and practice common interview questions, including the 'tell us about yourself' introductory questions, and behavioural 'tell us about a time' questions.

💠Relax your body: Take deep breaths, stretch, or meditate before the interview to calm your body.

💠Positive self-talk: Remind yourself of your skills and experiences, and visualise a successful interview.

💠Be on time: Arriving early can help you feel in control and more relaxed.

💠Practice good posture: Sit up straight and make eye contact to project confidence.

💠Be yourself: Don't try to be someone you're not, interviewers are looking for authenticity. They don't want someone who is reading a script or spouting corporate speak. Tell a story and you'll sell your skills while doing so.

If you need help with interview coaching (let's be honest, most people do!), then please check out my Job Interview Coaching options and get in touch. It will ensure you walk into your next job interview with confidence!

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